This standard alcohol addiction assessment, called the michigan alcohol screening test mast, can be helpful to determine if you or someone you know might have an alcohol abuse problem. Injury prevention for older adults preventing suicide. Alcohol abuse screening mast new life medical addiction. The first version was published by professor selzer in the american journal of psychiatry in 1971 and to date is the oldest screening test with effectiveness rates of up to 98%. The michigan alcohol screening test mast calculator uses the complete version but shorter versions with the most significant questions in the mast have also been created. The diagnosis of alcoholism in a psychiatric hospital. The michigan alcoholism screening test mast 12 is a formal 25item questionnaire that requires approximately 25 minutes to complete. Pdf michigan assessmentscreening test for alcohol and. Later, the mast was downsized to a 22item questionnaire that not. The total score makes it possible to evaluate the absence or the existence of excessive alcohol consumption and its possible social, physical or psychological. This test can be downloaded in pdf format, but adobe. Some tests are alcohol specific others cover alcohol and other drugs. Primary care alcohol information service screening tools for healthcare setting. Introduction to the mississippi aphasia screening test.
However, it is a screening test and should be sensitive at its lower levels. It is specifically tailored for those over 65 years of age and the questions take into account the special needs of alcoholism and the elderly. Michigan alcohol screening test mast michigan alcohol screening test mast was developed in 1971, and is one of the oldest and most accurate alcohol screening tests available, effective in identifying dependent drinkers with up to 98 percent accuracy. Michigan alcohol screening test mast you may substitute the words drug use for drinking to get an initial selfassessment of whether or not you should seek a professional assessment of your drinking or drug use or further help. Hedlund and vieweg report six studies of the mast s internal consistency, with estimates ranging from. Inquisit michigan alcoholism screening test mast online. The goal of the current study was to examine the effectiveness of the michigan alcohol screening testgeriatric version mast. Sensitivity and specificity according to one study, the mast g has. Assessing alcohol problems a guide for clinicians and researchers, second edition. The drug abuse screening test dast was developed in 1982 and is still an excellent screening tool. Drug abuse screening test dast the drug abuse screening test dast was developed as a 28item selfreport test for substance use or drug abuse by the psychologist harvey skinner.
There is little information about alcohol abuse in the dialysis population. G in identifying hazardous drinking among elderly patients with acute cerebrovascular accidents cva and to compare the effectiveness of 2 shorter versions of the mast. Take an alcohol assessment test choose between two quizzes both developed for clinical screening. Alcoholism is an often overlooked health problem because alcoholics usually do not seek treatment for their drinking problems. Michigan alcohol screening test mast was developed in 1971, and is one of the oldest and most accurate alcohol screening tests available, effective in. Please answer yes or no to the following questions. It was developed from the michigan alcoholism screening test. Mast michigan alcoholism screening test please check the answer that best describes your feeling, behavior and experiences. Test yourself and your own use or abuse of alcohol with this 22question quiz. Michigan alcoholism screening test mast free for use with an inquisit lab or inquisit web license. Created in the 1970s, mast is highly sensitive measure of alcohol dependency and abuse. The mast michigan alcohol screening test is one of the most respected tests for evaluating alcohol abuse. A 3item modified version of the audit used to identify patients who are hazardous drinkers or have active. Below is a chart with characteristics of each for easy comparison.
It is a 28item selfreport scale that consists of items that parallel those of the michigan alcoholism screening test mast. The mississippi aphasia screening test mast was developed as a brief, repeatable screening measure for individuals with severely impaired communicationlanguage skills. The measure is a 25item questionnaire designed to provide a rapid and effective screening for lifetime alcohol related problems and alcoholism. Accuracy of the michigan alcoholism screening test for.
Michigan alcoholism screening test mast alcohol test. Developed in 1971, the michigan alcohol screening test mast is one of the oldest and most accurate alcohol screening tests available. The michigan alcoholism screening test mast was developed in 1971 and is one of the oldest alcoholism screening tests around. The michigan alcoholism screening test geriatric version mast g. Studies that compare the mast questionnaire with other defined diagnostic criteria of alcohol problems were retrieved through medline and a cross bibliographic check. The michigan alcoholism screening test was used to assess the prevalence of alcohol problems in 142 patients aged between 18 and 60 years consulting a general practitioner. Psychology definition of michigan alcoholism screening test mast. The twofactor bmast and audit were similarly associated with quantity of alcohol consumption and clinically assessed dependence severity. Alcohol use screening and assessment for older adults. A item version short mast and geriatric version mast.
Evaluation data indicate that it is an effective diagnostic instrument, and does not have a. Psychology and mental health social sciences, general alcohol and youth measurement testing juvenile drinking psychological tests authorship design and construction usage. An adolescent version of the michigan alcoholism screening. The michigan alcoholism screening test mast is a very simple, self scoring test that helps assess if you have a drinking problem.
Previous andor current alcohol problems were identified in 33% of men and 4% of women. Buddy t is an anonymous writer and founding member of the online alanon outreach committee with decades of experience writing about alcoholism. Questions on the mast test relate to the patients self. This specific article was originally published by counsellingresource research staff on april 25. Commonly used substance use disorder screening instruments. Focusing specifically on alcohol use, this self test does not address the use of other drugs. Carefully read each statement and decide whether your answer is yes or no. If you are unsure if you have a problem with alcohol, mast. The drug testing tool is parallel to another type of test 2 the test is called michigan alcoholism screening test or mast. The mast is one of the most widely used measures for assessing alcohol abuse.
Pdf the validity of the brief michigan alcohol screening test. The mast test 2 new beginnings minnesota alcohol and. A guide for clinicians and researchers michigan alcoholism screening test mast brief description the mast is one of the most widely used measures for assessing alcohol abuse. It is the standard for diagnosing alcoholism and has an accuracy rate of 89%. Create a free personal account to download free article pdfs, sign up for alerts. Assessments for substance use disorders dustin k macdonald. The purpose of this study was to evaluate critically the mast s.
Mast michigan alcohol screening test verywell mind. Most of those who are alcohol dependent will score a 17 or above. One is the fact that the mast contains 22 questions whereby the dast has 28 questions in all. Screening for hazardous drinking using the michigan. Screening testgeriatric version smastg is often used in outpatient settings to detect atrisk alcohol. Permission is hereby granted to reproduce, post, download.
There are 22 questions and they refer only to the past 12 months of your drinking. Alcohol screening tests ideal for healthcare settings. An adolescent version of the michigan alcoholism screening test. Accuracy of the michigan alcoholism screening test for screening of alcoholism in patients of a medical department. However, please know this simple assessment cannot replace a personal consultation with one of our addiction specialists, and results of this assessment do not. The mast michigan alcoholism screening test is a questionnaire comprising of 25 questions about various aspects of alcohol consumption. Use of the michigan alcoholism screening test in general. Alcohol dependence at the time of esrd diagnosis is associated with. The michigan alcoholism screening test mast was designed to serve as a reliable and quantifiable measure of alcohol dependence m.
The michigan alcohol screening test geriatric version or mast g is a 24 question test it was designed for those people 65 and older. This test can be downloaded in pdf format, but adobe acrobat is required. It was based on the michigan alcohol screening test mast but with the word alcohol changed to drugs. Michigan assessment screening test for alcohol and drugs mast ad. The mast g michigan alcoholism screening test geriatric version varies from the mast in that the questions highlight the special employment and social situations of someone who is retired and how that can relate to alcohol abuse. The michigan alcohol screening test mast the original mast was a 25item questionnaire. Do you have rules for yourself that you wont drink before a certain time of the day. The psychometric properties of the michigan alcoholism screening test mast, a commonly used selfreport screening instrument for symptom identification of problematic drinking and alcoholism. Michigan alcohol screening test mast was developed in 1971, and is one of the oldest and most accurate alcohol screening tests available, effective in identifying dependent drinkers with up to 98 percent accuracy. Does alcohol sometimes make it hard for you to remember parts of the day or night.
The michigan alcoholism screening test mast by sarah. Some are designed for selfadministration and others for use in clinical interviews. Free alcoholism screening test true north recovery services. In clients in whom a drinking problem is suspected, yet who score 9 points or less and especially those who score 4 points or. They do, however, seek general medical care for other health reasons, and a number of screening techniques have proven useful for identifying alcoholics. National institute on alcoholism and alcohol abuse.
A score of 6 or greater is generally an indication of an alcohol problem. Since its introduction, the psychometric properties of the mast have been studied extensively, but there are several questions that have not been addressed or only partially answered. Such a brief measure may be advantageous for individuals with severe language impairments who may be frustrated and stressed during lengthy testing sessions. Alcohol use disorders identification test audit world health organization.
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